WE welcome David Cameron as the new Tory leader. He is a leap in the dark but we believe it is a leap worth taking.

He is inexperienced and unproven, but the Conservative Party is weary, stale, unappealing and in need of an overhaul. Mr Cameron offers some much-needed freshness.

After the failings of the post-Thatcher years, we hope the Tories have finally found their man because the country is crying out for strong political opposition.

The new leader made a good start yesterday with a dignified, balanced victory speech. He said there was "something in the air" which meant voters were prepared to look at the Conservatives again, and we think he is right.

Turning that "something" into victory at the next general election remains an enormous task, particularly in view of the fact that the Labour Party will by then be energised by its own new leader.

We sincerely hope that Mr Cameron lives up to his promise to move away from "the Punch and Judy politics of Westminster".

He's fed up with it and so are we. Let us have politics free from spin, gives credit where it is due, but challenges where necessary.

Let us have the kind of straight, honest politics which regains our respect.