Thousands of pounds are to be spent giving a community building in the heart of a former mining village a complete make-over.

Trimdon Station Residents Association has been awarded a Coalfields Regeneration Trust grant of £84,000 to redevelop its Community House.

Around seven years ago Home Housing set aside two bungalows in May Crescent to be used as a communal facility.

Now the Community House is used most days of the week for regular social events such a youth club, quiz and bingo days and coffee mornings.

It also hosts health promotion events, adult education classes and public and community group meetings.

But as it is still laid out as two separate houses the activities it can host are limited within the small rooms.

The CRT grant will pay to have the central chimney removed and the two bungalows knocked together to create a large main hall and further refurbishment work.

There will be a demountable wall which could be erected to split the hall when smaller meeting rooms are required.

Top of the list of new activities that the centre will provide will be bigger coffee mornings for elderly residents and computer and IT training.

Christine Carter, a volunteer who helps to run the centre, said: "It will make a huge difference to the Community House and whole area. "To have the option of one large or two small rooms will mean we can hold more activities, bringing in more local organisations and people and pulling the community together."

The grant was one of a series of donations announced by the Trust in September which say £2m awarded to projects in the North East. Peter McNestry, of the CRT, said: "The Trimdon Station Residents Association is clearly focused on providing improved facilities for young people, and training and personal development for all, helping the community as a whole to develop.

"The Trust exists to help groups just like this one, who are already making a difference in their community. We are delighted to be able to offer our support."

Community projects interested in contacted the CRT about grants can call 0191 4285550 or email