A VISION of how the UK dairy industry can become one of the most competitive in the Northern Hemisphere will be the subject of an open meeting in Northallerton on Monday.

The debate will be led by the National Farmers' Union's (NFU) chief dairy advisor, Tom Hind, as part of a two-day visit to the region to meet local producers, and follows the publication of the union's Vision Document last month.

A wide-ranging report, the document is designed to challenge all sectors of the dairy supply chain and to provoke a critical debate.

According to Mr Hind, the NFU believes that the industry lacks a strategic direction.

He said: "The industry has reached a watershed, with Common Agricultural Policy reforms, increasing trade liberalisation and a growing lack of confidence.

"Our aim in producing this vision document is to look seriously at what the future holds in terms of industry trends and what needs to be achieved if we are to secure a successful and profitable future for everyone involved in the industry, from the primary producer onwards."

The meeting is open to all NFU members and will take place from 7.30pm at the Sundial, Northallerton.