THE Mayor of Durham yesterday officially launched this year's poppy appeal with the presentation of the city's first poppies to war veterans from the Royal British Legion.

The legion's Poppy Appeal 2005 was launched from the Market Place in the city centre by Councillor John Lightley.

He said: "As part of this year's appeal, hopefully all businesses, shops and offices across the city will have collecting boxes and I would ask everyone to stop and, within your means, give a generous sum.

"A small percentage of this money is expended on administration but all the rest is devoted to the many charitable activities of the legion.

"The Royal British Legion will always be there, not only to help servicemen affected by the world wars and conflicts over the years, but also those injured or traumatised in more recent operations, in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Iraq, and to support their families during the difficult transition back to a civilian life."

The legion is in need of volunteers, aged over 16.

Anyone interested in getting involved should call 0800 0855924.