THE man behind an internationally-acclaimed off-licence retires today.

John Taylor has spent 17 years building up the range and reputation of the off- licence in the basement of Binns, in Darlington.

As well as specialising in real ale, the shop sells a large number of whiskies, liquors and miniatures.

Ian Jackson, the chairman of the Darlington branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (Camra), said: "From a start of just a few dozen, fairly mainstream, bottled beers, John has gradually but enthusiastically expanded the selection to one of almost 500 different brands, many from small brewers whose products are otherwise rare.

"The range spans almost every imaginable style of bottled beer from all corners of the globe, but the speciality is real ales in a bottle, from Belgium and, increasingly in recent years, from new British craft breweries."

Binns is unique in being the only store in Britain to feature in ten consecutive editions of the Camra Good Beer Guide - normally the preserve of real ale pubs.

In 2000, it was also highly commended in the Take Home Beer Awards run by the British Guild of Beer Writers.

This year, Mr Taylor was praised in the Good Beer Guide to Belgium for "cultivating his customers carefully" in the way he guided them to the beers of that country.

Mr Jackson said: "Camra members wish John a very long and happy retirement. His will be a hard act to follow."

Mr Taylor, 63, who lives in Darlington, started work at Binns' food hall in 1978, before taking over the off-licence.

He said: "It is like a hobby for me, but I am looking forward to playing more golf and learning indoor bowls. I will miss the company, but I will still pop in."

His favourite beer is Traquair House Jacobite Ale, made in a Scottish castle.