A COUPLE whose wedding plans were blown away by Hurricane Wilma have finally tied the knot.

Lynn Bratt and Gordon Steels had spent 18 months preparing their dream nuptials in the Mexican holiday resort of Cancun until the force three storm devastated the region last weekend.

Instead of enjoying the happiest time of their lives, the couple, from Seaton Carew, near Hartlepool, spent six nights in a reinforced hotel bunker as the storm battered the resort.

The relieved pair only arrived home from their ordeal on Thursday for an emotional reunion with Vinnie, their four-year-old son.

Ms Bratt's parents had been due to fly out to meet the wedding party with Vinnie, but their flights were cancelled and they continued to look after the four-year-old while his parents were weathering the storm that wreaked havoc along the Yucatan coast.

Ms Bratt's brother, Michael, 30, who had flown out to attend the wedding with his partner, Joanne Saint, and their two-year-old son, Aidan, had to take refuge in a school.

However, no time was lost in planning a rescheduled ceremony with the bride's father due to fly back to work in Kazakhstan tomorrow.

Family and friends rallied around Ms Bratt to ensure the substitute wedding passed without incident.

The bride and groom were married at the Staincliffe Hotel, Seaton Carew, yesterday afternoon.

Speaking before the wedding, the bride's father, Barry Bratt, said: "It has been a very traumatic time but everyone has pulled together and we have managed to pull it off.

"When you consider that the original wedding had been planned for over 18 months, to achieve what we have done in under two days is remarkable.

"Everyone has rallied round, the chief bridesmaid's mother paid for all the wine for the wedding and everyone else agreed to help out at short notice. I can't thank people enough for their help and support.

"I am delighted everything came together, but I don't believe Lynn will want to think about what happened in Cancun on her happy day."