A MUSEUM is appealing for donations of First World War memorabilia that can be lent to local schools.

The Green Howards Museum, in Richmond, plans to send out items along with an information CD.

Museum assistant Paul Cooper already visits schools dressed as a Green Howards soldier to talk about the Great War.

He put together the Walking With Ghosts scheme, which also includes a new website.

He said: "The First World War has to be studied as part of the national curriculum by students at key stage three- around the age of 14.

"For many years, the Green Howards Museum has welcomed visits by school groups to learn about the war and handle items from the collection.

"Now, we want to extend this by offering a selection of genuine First World War uniforms, helmets, equipment such as periscopes and rattles, medals and other items that schools can borrow.

"To do this, we need donations of suitable items."

The museum received a £4,500 grant from the Creative Minds scheme to launch the Walking With Ghosts project.

If you have items to donate, call Mr Cooper on (01748) 826561.

For details on the project, visit www.ww-ghosts.com