A DVD is being sent to every primary school in Darlington to encourage children to visit the newly renovated South Park.

The DVD, called South Park for Schools, aims to get more youngsters to visit the park as well as asking what facilities and attractions they would like the council to provide.

The DVD was made by local filmmaker Michael Bell, who recorded the Heritage Lottery-funded restoration of the park.

Staff at South Park hope teachers and pupils will watch the DVD together to find out how the oldest park in Darlington has been transformed in recent months.

They will then be invited to visit the park's new education centre, called The Outside In, for lessons centred around the park's history, restoration and the facilities on offer.

Lee Vasey, Darlington council's cabinet member for leisure services, said: "A lot of work has been done to transform South Park, but the council wants to hear what the youngest visitors think should be on offer so the area can be made attractive to everyone.

"If children have a say in the future of the park they are more likely to carry on visiting as they grow up."

The restoration project aims to restore the park to its Victorian splendour while introducing the latest equipment and facilities for visitors of all ages.

Work is ongoing but many areas are now complete. Coun Vasey said: "I would urge residents and visitors to the town to come and see the new-look South Park. The transformation is amazing and has created a fabulous facility."