WE have no argument with the Government making the fight against anti-social behaviour one of its top priorities.

But the proposal to ban passengers from drinking alcohol on all public transport is not only a case of taking the principle too far, but it is wildly inconsistent and hypocritical.

This is the same Government that is allowing round-the-clock drinking in pubs and clubs. It is people participating in that 24-hour alcoholic free-for-all who then get on trains and buses while drunk and make life uncomfortable for other passengers. The Government cannot have it both ways.

And why should the inability of the minority to control their drinking mean that those who enjoy a relaxing glass of wine on long train journeys should be penalised? It is plain daft.

As was clear during the recent fiasco over Government policy on banning smoking in public places, the practicalities are not always thought through.

And we'd be willing to bet that the absurdity of the transport drink ban dawns before very long and it is significantly watered-down before it ever becomes law.

Lest we forget

THE Northern Echo is always proud to display the poppy at this time of year.

As the symbol of remembrance takes up its position on our front page from today, we hope it acts as a reminder of the importance of all its stands for.

We urge all our readers: Wear your poppy with pride.