YOUNG footballers and pensioners in Consett are among the groups to benefit from a company's donation of a nine-seater minibus.

The vehicle has been given by the Esh Winning transport and industrial services company Hargreaves and will be used by community groups in the town's north ward.

The minibus, the third given by the company, was presented to local Durham County councillor Clive Robson. He said: "All of the buses will be widely used to assist our voluntary groups and organisations in delivering essential services to the community"

David Hodgson, deputy chief executive of Consett YMCA, said: "We have no fewer than 26 junior football teams and we always have teams travelling every week.

"Until now, we have had to rely upon parents using their cars to get our lads to away fixtures. The bus that we have been designated will be a tremendous asset and we wish to thank Hargreaves for their tremendous contribution to our children."

Ged Donaghy, speaking for Consett St Patrick's community groups, said: "The bus will be used in many ways, for example to transport people from Delves Lane every Sunday morning.

"We also have a youth club, our Tuesday ladies' club, a club for the elderly, women's league and school football teams that will make sure that the bus will be put to very good use on a daily basis.''

Hargreaves' technical director Neil Sowerby said: "We are keen to do whatever we can to help and I am sure these buses will be put to extraordinarily good use by local residents, young and old."