A YOUNG male, with boundless energy, a big, bouncing personality but lots of spots, is seeking a new family to love him.

Buster, a three-year-old dalmatian, needs another home because his owner, Paul Fletcher, from Leadgate, Consett, works long hours and cannot give him the attention he needs.

Animal charity National Animal Sanctuaries Support League (NASSL), near Darlington, is looking for a family to take Buster in.

Pauline Wilson, of NASSL, said: "Dalmatians can be quite scatty, but Buster is one of the sensible ones. He is a lovely dog and would do well with a family with children over the age of ten."

The charity is also looking for a home for Chris, a two-year-old pedigree doberman dog who is a chocolate brown colour.

NASSL also has a number of kittens which need good homes.

Anyone who is able to help can contact Mrs Wilson on (01325) 321855 or 07748 268822.