A woman who terrorised a neighbourhood was told to stop depending on her family by a judge today.

Stacy Ord, 20, of The Village Farm, West Cornforth, County Durham, was already the subject of an anti-social behaviour order for drunken and abusive behaviour in her village.

She appeared before Newcastle Crown Court today for breaching the ASBO and making a threat of revenge against a neighbour.

Ord was arrested outside Mercedes de Dunewic's house of April 7 after becoming abusive and threatening.

Police were called to the house and could hear Ord shouting outside. She was also breaching her ASBO by being outdoors outside of curfew hours.

Mrs de Dunewic claims she has suffered over 180 crimes since she moved to West Cornforth in 2002 at the hands of local youths. The court heard how an internet site had villified Ord.

Judge Beatrice Bolton said there were 'dreadful musings of others on the internet' but these amounted to complaints by 'three or four people and no more than that.'

Judge Bolton said: "The difficulty about this young lady is, like it or not, she has a drink problem.

"She has a family who is trying desperately to help. But they are like a family of whales. One whale gets caught on the beach and the rest of the family tries to help and they all get caught on the beach and they all die.

"The family has to let go of their love instead of grasping it.

She added: "The more time she spends in West Cornforth, the more difficult it is going to be for everyone until she settles down." Defending Stuart Allison said: "She is willing to go and live with her brother as a last resort."

Ord was sentenced to a two year community order and is required to reside with her brother for the next six months, outside of West Cornforth.

The conditions of her ASBO still apply.

Judge Bolton said: "You are now 20 years of age. In legal terms you are an adult.

"Your family are desperate to have you back, your family are desperate to see you are alright.

"I am sure they would lay down and die for you if they thought it was what it would take but the fact is it is you and you alone. "The village and your family need rest.

She added: "You have a caring and decent brother who will let you stay outside of the village.

"From this day you have to live your own life and do not expect others to live it for you."

Ord's family declined to comment after the sentence.

Mercedes de Dunewic said: "I do not wish to comment on the case but time will tell whether justice has been served."

The teenage tearaway first broke the conditions of her ASBO in March, less than a week after it was imposed by magistrates when she admitted throwing stones at Mrs de Dunewic's house.

Mrs de Dunewic has tried to raffle her house in West Cornforth. Today she said: "I have sold 60 raffle tickets at £1000 but I need 200 sold. I will be speaking to my solicitor about what to do but I cannot stay in West Cornforth."