PENSIONERS have enjoyed Sunday lunch with a view - in a box at Darlington Football Club.

The group, who live in sheltered accommodation in Firthmoor, were part of a Sunday luncheon club at Roxby Court.

But they were upset when new management took over at the housing complex and told them they could no longer hold their lunches at the centre.

The club was in danger of being disbanded so organiser George Wilthew approached the Eastbourne Partnership with the problem.

The group, which also enjoys day trips, was given £500. As a bonus, they were offered free lunches at Darlington FC every month for the foreseeable future by chairman Stewart Davies.

Yesterday, the group was treated to a meal at the club, where they were joined by Darlington footballers Adrian Webster and Shelton Martis.

Dave Preston, vice-chairman of the partnership, said: "It was a very kind gesture."