A BLOODIED, drunken teenager accosted a 16-year-old girl as she walked home in the early hours after she rebuffed his advances.

Wayne Parker, 18, who was bleeding and smelling of drink, approached the student as she made her way from a friend's house in South Moor, Stanley, County Durham.

Ros Scott Bell, prosecuting, told Durham Crown Court that Parker, who was unsteady on his feet, asked for sex, suggesting: "Just a quickie?"

When she refused, he groped her between her legs with his bloodied hand and tried to remove her jeans.

She broke free and rang her father on her mobile phone, before fleeing the scene.

Durham Crown Court heard that she was taken to a police station where traces of Parker's blood was found on her jeans.

Miss Scott Bell said Parker was identified on security cameras, still in the vicinity, and was quickly arrested.

But he told police he had no memory of what had taken place - other than the fact that he fell over, while drunk, cutting his hands.

Parker, of Pentlands Terrace, South Stanley, admitted sexual assault on a 16-year-old.

Brian Russell, mitigating, said Parker, of previous good character, was full of remorse when told what he had done and said he was "shocked" to have committed such an offence.

Mr Russell said Parker had found his period on remand in custody difficult, mixing with more mature inmates.

Judge Richard Lowden said expert reports regarded Parker as being a "low risk" of re-offending and said he would benefit from intervention by the probation service.

He imposed a two-year community rehabilitation order, which includes supervision by a public protection unit.

Parker must also sign the sex offenders' register for five years.