TWO teenagers have passed their compulsory basic training (CBT), allowing them to ride a 50cc motorbike or moped on the road after a week-long course.

Luke Brown and Michael Brunton, both 16 and from Annfield Plain, near Stanley, passed their tests after a 40-minute test with an instructor.

They had to demonstrate they were in control of the 50cc machine and able to do manoeuvres in the road.

Their success was the culmination of a week of training with ACE Motorcycles in Durham, Derwentside District Council's Spice project and Stanley Police.

Eight other young people from the Stanley area, aged 14 and 15 - too young to take the CBT - passed a basic motorcycle-handling course and a mechanics course.

The idea behind the course was to teach young people about responsible ways to use motorbikes.

Police hope it will help tackle the problem of riding illegal machines off road, which is a major problem in Derwentside.

Pc Sarah Hindmarsh, who also passed her CBT yesterday, said: "They have all taken it very seriously and I am very impressed. This has proved they are prepared to do things the right way.

"The eldest have taken a lot of things on board and are now looking towards getting a scooter to ride on the road legally."