PLANS for a water resource centre based at Whitby Harbour will go on show on Monday.

The building would house showers, toilets and a launderette for users of the marina, as well as new public toilets, a function room, workspace units and a cafe.

The proposals are part of a £2.8m scheme to redevelop the whole harbour.

Visitors and residents can view the plans at Whitby tourist information centre and Scarborough Borough Council's Skinner Street office until November 18.

Their views and comments will be put to the authority's development committee when it considers whether or not to grant planning permission later this year.

Councillor Michael Craven-Moulder, chairman of the Whitby Harbour Improvement Working Group, said: "Members of the working group have wholeheartedly backed the plans for the centre and associated site, which has been well- designed to blend into and compliment the existing environment."

If planning permission for the centre is granted and funding secured, work could start next spring and be completed by early 2007.