VOLUNTEERS are needed to support this year's Poppy Appeal in Darlington.

Mayor Stella Robson formally launched the British Legion's poppy appeal earlier this week.

This appeal marks 60 years since the end of the Second World War and the British Legion is hoping to raise awareness of the need for the appeal to continue.

Money raised does not only help those who were in need after the war, but also those affected by more recent conflicts such as the Falklands and Iraq.

Coun Robson will be visiting schools in the borough during the week of November 7 to promote the appeal and she will also be selling poppies on High Row, outside Binns, on Saturday, November 12.

She said: "I am always delighted to support the poppy appeal.

"The money raised goes to help so many servicemen and women and their families and it is as important today as it was 60 years ago.

"Over the years, many people who have volunteered to sell poppies have become too old to continue the good work so the appeal organisers are also looking for volunteers to help raise money."

Anyone interested in finding out more about becoming a poppy seller can contact the British Legion poppy appeal office in the CVS building, Church Row in Darlington or call (01325) 355234.