A YOUNG man is appealing for help to raise money for an expedition to do voluntary work in a developing country.

Michael Hodgson, 23, of Eastwell Close, Sedgefield, plans to travel to Malaysia next February to take part in two projects with Raleigh International.

He has packed shopping bags, washed cars and created a website to raise half of the £3,000 he needs to make the trip.

His next challenge is a sponsored parachute jump at Shotton Colliery on Saturday.

He said: "I will help a conservation and community scheme in a developing country while benefiting from the experience my-self.

"I appreciate the support I'm getting locally.

"The more people that visit www.justgiving.co.uk/michael_ hodgson to make a donation the better."

Michael will also hold a charity auction, including signed items from local football clubs, and a raffle, with prizes donated by local businesses, at Sedgefield Parish Hall next Friday, from 7pm to 8.30pm.