THE achievements and experiences of young people have been recognised at a community celebration.

Children, parents and residents from Red Hall in Darlington descended on the community centre to watch a slide show covering events run by the Red Hall Partnership Playwork project over the past two years. The project also received an Investing In Children Award during the evening.

The project has been running for just over two years on Red Hall and the children and young people have worked to raise the profile of the estate, while fundraising to develop activities and opportunities.

Sarah Small, play development worker, said: "The evening was a big success. The slide show showed that the children are determined and committed and will work hard to make just about anything a possibility." She thanked the young people, parents and staff for their support.

Rob Johnson from Investing In Children presented the award and said he was pleased how the young people were valued and supported by their parents and the local community.

This weekend, the Playwork project has taken a group of 27 young people to Hamsterley Forest for Halloween activities.