A help desk designed to point users in the right direction will be set up in Darlington's Crown Street library from Monday.

The signposting service is being set up because local organisations offer a large number of activities that the public are not always aware of.

Residents will be able to chat to volunteers and staff from voluntary organisations.

Carers are also welcome to visit the desk, which will display relevant information and leaflets.

The organisations taking part in the pilot project are 50plus Age Concern, Alzheimer's Society, Darlington Association on Disability, Family Help (Darlington & District's Women's Refuge), Mind, and YMCA.

Opportunities as diverse as training in ICT skills, accommodation, aromatherapy massage, support groups, pilates, play schemes for disabled children, and transport schemes, are available.

It is hoped the desk, called Promoting Independence, will enable more people to feel included in their communities.

The desk is situated to the left of the main library reception desk and will be open each day from Monday to Thursday between 10am and 2pm.