A NEW political party has been formed to take control of a North Yorkshire local authority.

The launch of the Independent Coalition for Richmondshire could have implications for protestors fighting plans by Richmondshire District Council to sell assets in Richmond to fund a £4.5m move to Colburn.

The coalition is an amalgamation of three independent groups on the council.

Eighteen councillors from the Richmondshire Independent Group, the Richmondshire Association of Independent Councillors and the Independent Councillors for Richmondshire have come together to form the new group.

The coalition will hold the majority on all the council's committees.

The group's leader, Councillor Bill Glover, said: "There were three independent groups and, being independent, they had different philosophies and different theories on how the council should be run.

"However, we found there was a common thread between the three groups on how to run the council in a more efficient way, on how to provide the best services and on how to provide value for money within the council."

It is understood many councillors on the new coalition favour the controversial sale of assets in Richmond to fund a move to Colburn, although Coun Glover said the issue had not yet been discussed by members.

He said: "We will look at the facts and figures relating to the move to Colburn and decide what to do when all these are available."

Conservative group leader John Blackie said last night he would be remaining leader of the council.

Commenting on the new party, he said: "There do seem to be some strange bedfellows - members who hitherto have been opposed to one another on important topics.

"I do wonder if principles have been sacrificed on the altar of personal ambition."

Councillor Blackie said he was concerned the new group would reconsider a decision not to sell off Station Road car park to fund the new offices.

He said: "This would destroy the credibility of the council in the eyes of residents and I hope the coalition will not consider it in its wildest dreams."

Councillor John Harris, leader of the Liberal Democrat group, said: "They were previously three different groups which had three very different origins.

"It seems to be a very loose coalition."

The make-up of council committees will be discussed at a meeting on Monday.