A HALF crown downpayment has proved a wise investment for one bridegroom - as 60 years later he and his wife are just as happy as the day they married.

When Bob and Marjorie Little tied the knot in 1945, Mr Little had to fork out an extra half a crown as his future wife was under the age of 21.

But as Mr Little, 82, has reminded Mrs Little, 80, many times since, he has certainly got his money's worth.

The diamond couple met for the first time on Darlington's High Row. The future Mrs Little was walking out of the solicitors where she worked, when Mr Little almost knocked her over as he rode his bicycle along Post House Wynd.

Mrs Little moved to the Midlands and Mr Little fought in the war, but on October 27, 1945, they finally married in St Peter's Church in Croft.

They are well known in the community in Croft and Hurworth.

The couple have two children Pam, 58, and Ian, 56, and two grandchildren, Jonathon, 22, and Samantha, 27.

Yesterday, Mrs Little said the key to a successful marriage was "pulling together and putting up with the rough and the smooth".

Mr Little, who worked at Whessoe in Darlington, said: "It has been a great 60 years and I don't have a single regret."