Andrew Flintoff will call in a nine-year-old favour in Pakistan this winter and get Steve Harmison to help him fend off the homesickness.

Flintoff jets out to join England's three-Test tour next Wednesday and will be leaving his family for the first time since daughter Holly was born in 2004.

As much as England's Ashes hero is looking forward to escaping the goldfish bowl of his new-found celebrity existence, the prospect of leaving Holly and pregnant wife Rachel fills him with dread.

''I am looking forward to getting out to Pakistan next week to do the things I am comfortable with,'' Flintoff said.

''But it is not ideal leaving the family behind. I have not spent more than four nights away from Holly in a row.

''Everyone's writing about Harmy being homesick - I think he is going to have to look after me on this one!''

It was Flintoff's support as captain of the England Under-19s on a 1996 tour to Pakistan that led to the pair becoming firm friends.

Harmison was called into the squad having played just one first- class game and, fresh out of school, failed to cope with the touring culture shock.

He went to see Flintoff late one night and begged to be allowed to fly home. They had the first of many heart-to-hearts and Flintoff urged him to give it one more week.

When nothing changed, Flintoff arranged for Harmison to head home but the bond they forged in Pakistan nine years ago remains strong. Only this time it could be Harmison doing the listening.

Despite the difficulties of leaving his family behind, Flintoff is relishing the opportunity to get back to playing cricket.

Most of the England squad are already in Pakistan acclimatising, but when Flintoff jets out to join them he will be leaving an 'alien' environment behind.

Flintoff's life has been sent into a spiral of celebrity interviews, magazine features and the inevitable loitering paparazzi following his man-of-the-series exploits in England's Ashes triumph.

But the goldfish bowl existence does not sit comfortably with the 27-year-old, who finds the press attention bemusing and the photographers ''irritating''.

So while Pakistan is a difficult country to tour, for Flintoff the trip represents a chance to get back into his comfort zone.

''It has been a bit strange, with all the attention. I am looking forward to getting a bat in my hand and doing what I know.

''We said before the Ashes if we won it would be life-changing, and it has been in some ways.

''How many times can they follow you to Booths supermarket? It's amazing.''

The world of black-tie awards parties, launches of his new book Being Freddie, champagne receptions at Downing Street and a London parade, could be enough to turn a man's head.

Not this man.

''I'm a cricketer, it's what I do and it would be dangerous if I lost sight of that,'' Flintoff said.