THE parents of a six-year-old boy have alleged that when they rushed him to hospital after a playground accident, a fractured skull was not diagnosed for 48 hours.

Stephen and Karen Fletcher said they took their son James to York Hospital after he banged his head on concrete earlier this month.

They say that after he was admitted for observation, he was not given a thorough head examination, an X-ray or a CT scan, despite the fact he was screaming in pain and vomiting.

He was eventually discharged, but then had to return in an ambulance when his condition deteriorated.

His parents say that a CT scan then revealed a fracture, a blood clot and bleeding. He was transferred to Leeds General Infirmary for surgery.

The Fletchers say he is now convalescing at their home in Bubwith, near Selby, but have written to York Hospital demanding answers to their claims.

Jim Easton, chief executive of York Hospitals NHS Trust, said an inquiry was launched when the trust received the Fletchers' formal complaint and the case will be referred to the Strategic Health Authority.