A MAN who brought terror to a crowded shopping area when he threatened to shoot a woman with what looked like a realistic handgun was spared jail yesterday.

Michael Oliver, 20, warned he would shoot a young woman who had already been confronted by his girlfriend in Hebburn shopping centre, South Tyneside, on June 20.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how the victim had been approached by Oliver's girlfriend, who accused her of spreading rumours.

Katherine Dunn, prosecuting, told the court how Oliver quickly stepped into the row and produced the gun-shaped cigarette lighter which was described by the judge as frighteningly realistic.

Miss Dunn said: "He took it out of his waistband and pointed it directly at the woman. He said 'you've got two seconds to move or I will shoot you'."

The court heard how the victim was petrified and believed she was about to die.

Witnesses confirmed it was feared the weapon was real.

Oliver, of Dock Street, South Shields, admitted possessing an imitation firearm with intent.

Defence barrister Peter Schofield said Oliver was having difficulty coping with personal problems and was more a danger to himself than others.

He said Oliver had acted in an immature and inappropriate way.

Judge Guy Whitburn said that although jail would be justified, the public would be offered greater protection in the long term if Oliver received help in the community. He gave him a two-year community order with conditions of supervision, training, education and activity.