MEMBERS of the public in Hartlepool will have the chance to ask questions about policing issues.

The next three in a series of regular meetings with the Police and Community Safety Consultative Forum are scheduled to take place next month.

The meeting of the town's north forum is to be held at West View Community Centre on Wednesday, at 10am.

On Thursday, at 10am, the central forum will be held at the Civic Centre in committee room B. Cleveland Police Chief Constable Sean Price will attend the south forum at Owton Rossmere Resource Centre, Wynyard Road, next Friday, at 10am.

Mr Price, who attended both the north and central forums earlier in the month, will discuss current challenges facing the police and what is being done to tackle key issues.

Alison Mawson, Hartlepool council's head of community safety and prevention, said: "This is a great opportunity for the people of Hartlepool to put forward any questions regarding policing and community safety issues."