A FURNISHINGS company quality controller helped himself to hundreds of pounds worth of stock, a court was told.

James Chadwick also made almost £1,400 by selling off waste items, taken from the skip at Laird Lifestyle, on Peterlee's North-West Industrial Estate.

Durham Crown Court heard Chadwick sold via Internet auction site eBay many items he claims he was permitted to take from the skip.

Lorraine Mustard, prosecuting, said an investigation was launched by the company, last November, when concerns were raised that items were being removed without permission and that its products appeared to have been sold on eBay.

Miss Mustard said the company specialised in making items for PVC doors and conservatories, including handles and letter boxes, mostly sold to DIY chain stores.

Police visited Chadwick's home in June and recovered a box of items worth £994.47, taken from the factory.

He revealed he had also sold other items, netting a profit of almost £1,400.

Chadwick, 50, of previous good character, admitted a charge of theft at a previous hearing.

Martin Towers, mitigating, said: "He always claimed he took items from a skip and thought he was permitted to do that. But he accepts property seized from his house in June was dishonestly taken from his employers.

Judge George Moorhouse said: "It's rather sad when we have someone of the age of 50 before the court for the first time."

He ordered Chadwick to perform 150-hours' community punishment work, and pay £994.47 compensation to Laird, plus £255 costs.