PUPILS have been rewarded for outstanding achievement during the last school term at an awards ceremony.

Students from Parkside Comprehensive School, in Willington, were presented with trophies and plaques to mark good work and perfect attendance.

Awards were given to pupils who achieved 100 per cent attendance last year, and to youngsters who passed key stage three examinations.

Umme Uddin received an award for outstanding progress during key stage three and Andrew Richardson was rewarded for the outstanding progress he made in key stage four.

Headteacher Roland Sterry said: "Awards evening is a very enjoyable occasion for the school and an opportunity to celebrate pupils' academic achievement, enthusiasm and determination.

"Also, this year a record number of pupils - 34 - achieved awards for 100 per cent attendance, which is another excellent indication of Parkside's success."

The awards were presented by David Gray, vice-chairman of the Sir Tom Cowie Foundation, which recently gave the school £50,000 towards its bid to become a specialist sports college.