PEOPLE are being asked to vote whether a council should retain its housing stock.

Council house tenants in Derwentside will be able indicate their preference by phone or by post.

Derwentside District Council is asking 7,600 tenants to decide on plans to hand ownership and control to Derwentside Homes, a not-for-profit charitable group.

It said transfer was in the tenants' best interest as Derwentside Homes could invest about £117m on repairs and improvements to tenants' homes in the first 13 years, while the council would only be able to invest £51m.

Councillors at special meeting of the council on Wednesday agreed to carry on with a public consultation exercise.

Council leader Alex Watson said: "The postal ballot will be conducted by the Electoral Reform Services. It is a free vote that will be counted in London.

"Every tenant will have a security code and that is important. The instructions for the telephone are quite clear. It will be a free phone and individuals have a security number to enter.

"These two options give people the maximum opportunity to use their vote and we want everyone to get involved."

The council started its consultation in September, when all tenants were sent a formal consultation document.

They were also sent a video at the start of this month.

About one per cent of tenants have returned prepaid reply cards indicating their views, with more than 80 per cent showing support for the transfer.

Between October 3 and 6, council staff visited 1,860 tenants to answer questions about the proposals.

About 700 people have visited the council's two show homes that demonstrate the standards they can expect if the hand-over goes ahead.

Tenant Peter Anderson, 69, of The Grove, Consett, is sceptical about the plan.

He said: "From the figures they have put out, I do not think it is viable and we do not know how much Derwentside Homes is going to pay for the houses.

"There should be more debate about the matter in Derwentside."

For information, call the council's helpline on 0800 977 6018 or the Independent Tenant Advisor on 0800 169 1814.