MINISTERS have finally agreed to a way forward on smoking in pubs and clubs and for that we should be thankful.

After all the huffing and puffing behind the scenes, the Cabinet has gone back to its original manifesto pledge to ban smoking in enclosed public spaces in England, with exemptions for private clubs, and pubs not serving food.

But while the partial ban is clearly a significant step forward, the logic behind the strategy has to be questioned.

A principle is a principle and if the Government believes it is right to ban smoking as a way of protecting the health of bar staff, why should it matter whether food is served or not?

As we said yesterday in our comment on the proposed education reforms, there is a growing perception that the Government is in a muddle; that it cannot make up its mind; that a fog of confusion is descending.

This was an opportunity for clear leadership radically to change the culture of the country as far as public health is concerned. The Government, in only going so far, has missed that chance.

We believe it is right that smoking should be banned to protect bar workers - not some of them but all of them.

We appreciate that a proportion of our readers will passionately disagree and they, like us, are entitled to that view. But you simply cannot have it both ways.