A GRANDFATHER has told of his desperate attempt to save the life of his neighbour, who was found hanged in the middle of the night.

Colin Bosher, 21, was found hanged from a window on Monday.

Joseph Liddle, 60, was woken by a friend who was staying with Mr Bosher, who shouted: "I think he's dead."

He ran out of his house, grabbed some ladders, ran across the road and scaled them to try to save Mr Bosher.

Hoping he was still alive, Mr Liddle tried to lift him and remove the rope.

He struggled at the top of the ladder until paramedics arrived, but they were unable to save Mr Bosher.

Mr Liddle, who works for a car parts company, said: "There is a young lad staying with him at the moment and he came screaming round to my door. This young boy was distraught.

"I got my ladders and ran round, but I could not budge him.

"When I got there, he was motionless, but I thought there was a chance there might be an ounce of life left in him. But I'm 60 years old; I was struggling to take his body weight."

Emergency crews, including firefighters, were called to retrieve Mr Bosher's body from the house in Beechwood Crescent, Marley Pots, Sunderland.

Mr Liddle, a former driving instructor, said: "The police came, but it was too late for Colin. He was a lovely lad; a quiet lad, but a smashing boy."

Police said they were investigating the death.