TWO Shetland ponies were savaged by a pack of dogs while they were resting in a field.

One of the ponies was left unable to walk following the attack, while the other suffered cuts and bites.

Police are investigating the attack in conjunction with the RSPCA.

And the ponies' owner, Peter Smith of Spennymoor, County Durham, has offered a reward if those responsible are found.

Mr Smith owns five ponies, which he keeps in a farm in Tudhoe Village, near Spennymoor, but two of them were hurt on Saturday evening.

Tyre tracks were found at the scene and both Mr Smith and the police believe the attack was a deliberate act.

"The dogs have savaged them," said Mr Smith, who has owned the ponies for three years

"They are miniature ponies - the dogs were probably bigger than they are. How can they defend themselves?

"I can't say what I think of these people - they are animals themselves."

Mr Smith has taken the badly injured pony home with him, where it will stay in stables for several weeks while he recovers.

Mr Smith has offered a reward for information which leads to the owners of the dogs being brought to justice.

A Durham Police spokesman said: "It appears that a person has set their dogs on the horses, causing injuries, and investigations are ongoing."

Anybody with information is asked to contact police on 0845 60 60 365.