TWO weeks ago the column predicted that unbeaten Model T could break down against RAC but as it turned out the referee broke down instead, as a midweek injury to the official saw the match postponed.

Last weekend's game against NASA Goodfellas did go ahead - but there were injuries there too, with four of our players limping off and a Goodfellas defender requiring stitches to a nasty head injury following a bruising, but never dirty, encounter.

Bruising too for RAC's points tally as a two goal lead evaporated into a 2-2 draw, but defender Richard Dalton suffered perhaps the worst injury of all; his own goal left him with a severely dented ego.

SUNDAY'S game saw the latest return of Dave Vayro, RAC's very own Pete Doherty. Not only does the wayward winger rather resemble the Babyshambles frontman and possess similar undoubted talent, he's also famous for getting drunk and not turning up.

But he was back for a cameo appearance after a few recent no-shows. All he needs now is a supermodel girlfriend, who would of course be made very welcome on the Hundens Lane sidelines.

However, the game also marked university-bound midfielder Andrew Mackintosh's final appearance while Chris Wilson has left for Affinity Healthcare.

He should do well for them but it remains to be seen how arguably our most unfit player of all time (and that's going some) fits in at the healthconscious side.

HE'S tall, Scouse and wins man of the match every single week.

Not Steven Gerrard - it's Hole in the Wall centre-back Tony Moorcroft who, up until last weekend, had been awarded the accolade from both the referee and opposition in all five games his side had played this term.

He missed Sunday's game against DfES Feedback and his absence clearly left a hole in the Hole in the Wall defence as they lost 4-2 but at least somebody else got the chance to win man of the match.

"He's been playing alright, " said Hole in the Wall striker and secretary Aaron Radstock. "He got it most of the time last season as well."

League committee member Chris Johnson added: "I have no idea if this is some kind of record but it must be extremely unlikely that it's been done before."

ALSO up for debate is how Mansfield, York, Ripon, Richmond, Chilton, Clitheroe, Hamilton and Stanley all manage compete in The Northern Echo Darlington Invitation League.

The explanation is that there are players with those surnames playing for sides across the three divisions. Chris Johnson, our man with the signing on forms, has also discovered several birds - something of a first for the unlucky-in-love committee member. A Crow, an Eagle, a Gosling, a Peacock, a Swift, a Mullett, a Sturgeon, a Whale and a couple of Eeles are all flying around.

"If things get really desperate, " adds Chris, "there are also three Chapels, a Churchman, two Deans, a couple of Parsons and even a Moses or two. And remember, there's always Hope - well, as long as Paul is still playing."

Published: 07/10/05