THE man accused of being the Yorkshire Ripper hoaxer known as Wearside Jack has been refused bail.

John Humble, 49, appeared at Leeds Crown Court yesterday and made a bid to be freed from custody before his expected trial in the new year.

But the Recorder of Leeds, Norman Jones, turned down the bail application made by Mr Humble's barrister, David Taylor, during the half-hour hearing.

Mr Humble, of Flodden Road, on the Ford estate in Sunderland, is accused of perverting the course of justice, but has not entered a plea to the charge.

A plea and directions hearing has been set for January 9, and provisional trial date at the crown court has been agreed for February 20.

Yesterday, former labourer Mr Humble was not in court, but appeared via a video-link from Armley Prison, in Leeds, where he has been held since last week.

He spoke only twice - to confirm his name and that he could hear what was being said - and listened intently throughout the proceedings.

He was watched by a packed courtroom on two large television screens.

Unemployed Mr Humble was arrested last Tuesday. He was questioned by West Yorkshire Police, in Wakefield, before being charged and put before Leeds Magistrates' Court last Thursday.

He is accused of writing two letters and recording an audio tape, which was sent to detectives hunting the Yorkshire Ripper, between 1978 and 1979, and a third letter to the Daily Mirror newspaper.

The real Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe, was eventually caught in December 1980, and convicted of the murders of 13 women the following year. He will be held for life in Broadmoor Special Hospital.