A MUSICAL based on the story of the world's most famous vet has been snubbed by the county he called home.

It had been hoped that Herriot - The Musical would have had a world premiere in North Yorkshire, but now that honour is expected to go to Scotland.

Disappointed author Mike Gibb said he had been astounded and saddened by the show's failure to find any interest in the county's theatrical community.

He based his musical on the life of vet Alf Wight, who found international fame as James Herriot and was immortalised on TV and film. Thirsk composer Ian Kirk wrote the score.

The show was launched on Yorkshire Day - August 1 - at Mr Wight's former surgery in Thirsk, now a popular museum called The World of James Herriot.

But despite Mr Gibb's efforts - contacting a large number of professional and amateur theatres and companies in the area - no group has taken it up.

"I expected there to be great interest in this piece in Yorkshire, but in fact it has been exactly the opposite," he said.

"I have also tried to find a theatre and director to hire, to do our own production. But again I have drawn a blank."

He added: "If people didn't like the script, I could accept this.

"But in most cases that is not the case. Those who have read it have loved it.

"If Ian hadn't written such a terrific score, I reckon I would just condemn Herriot to the drawer of failed projects that all playwrights have."

Mr Gibb has just had two other works premiered in his native Scotland, with another two opening in leading theatres next year.