THE parents of a young woman fatally injured on a rollercoaster have welcomed court action against the theme park.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) will prosecute Lightwater Valley, near Ripon, North Yorkshire, after the death of 20-year-old Durham University student Gemma Savage.

The French maker of the ride, Societe Reverchon Industries France, and maintenance engineer Eric Butters will also face charges of breaching health and safety laws.

Ms Savage was injured when two cars collided on the Treetop Twister ride on June 20, 2001. She died in hospital the next day.

A jury at an inquest into her death returned a verdict of misadventure.

Last night, Miss Savage's parents, Stuart and Linda, welcomed plans by the HSE to prosecute, but said others should also face charges.

Mrs Savage, from Wath-on-Dearne, near Rotherham, South Yorkshire, said: "We welcome any prosecution that is brought by the Health and Safety Executive.

"However, we are somewhat disappointed that it is just these three who are being prosecuted. We feel there is a case against others."

Mr Savage said: "The accident happened four-and-a-half years ago and the pain is still there.

"Gemma was the life and soul of our family.

"We feel that what is being forgotten is that a young woman lost her life.

"Hopefully this court action will prevent a similar accident from ever happening again."

Ms Savage was enjoying a day out to celebrate the end of her second year at university when the accident happened.

The inquest heard that engineer Eric Butters was trying to lower cars from the ride, which had been stopped as a safety precaution by the rollercoaster's computer.

The inquest was told that he had not hit an emergency stop button that would have shut off the computer.

Because of this, the computer and Mr Butters were both attempting to operate the control system at the same time, which led to the collision.

A spokesman for Lightwater Valley Attractions Limit-ed said: "Lightwater Valley can confirm the HSE has issued proceedings against the company and one of its employees.

"We have, and will continue to, co-operate with the HSE throughout."

The case is due to be heard at Harrogate Magistrates' Court on Friday, November 18.