POLICE and RSPCA officers rescued two dogs from appalling conditions in a Darlington house, a court heard yesterday.

Brian Myers, 40, of Aldam Street, admitted causing them unnecessary suffering by not giving one enough food and not providing veterinary care when the other broke its jaw.

The house and yard they were kept in were both filthy, Kevin Campbell, prosecuting for the RSPCA, told Bishop Auckland magistrates.

Mongrel Ganja could not eat because of the pain from his injury and Jake, a brindle Staffordshire bull terrier, had green discharge coming from both eyes and he was so thin his ribs were clearly visible.

Mr Campbell said: "The conditions the dogs were kept in were appalling. There was an overwhelming stench.

"The kitchen had faeces all over the floor. There were flies on the window."

After treatment by vets, both dogs, who are about five years old, were handed over to the RSPCA for rehoming.

Callum Terry, mitigating, said that Myers had a drinking problem which had worsened after his mother's death at the end of last year.

He said: "He was unable to look after himself, never mind his dogs. He was trying to get one rehoused."

Magistrates asked for pre-sentence reports and adjourned the case until November 23.