DURHAM University has risen in the global university rankings.

It was last night named the 83rd-best university in the world -up from 128 last year.

There was also good news for Cambridge and Oxford, which rose above US rivals Stanford and Berkeley to claim third and fourth positions in the table, put together by The Times Higher Education Supplement (THES).

The rankings are based on the views of 2,400 academics from across the globe.

Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology were first and second respectively.

Yesterday, Durham University vice-chancellor Sir Kenneth Calman said: "We are very pleased with this substantial rise from 128 to 83 in the THES world rankings, which reaffirms Durham's performance in other recent league tables.

"It reflects both the quality of Durham's contribution to international academic life and the recognition worldwide for it.

"This success owes a great deal to our performance in the science strand of the THES survey, which ranked Durham at the top of the citation table."

The citation table is based on how much attention science research generates.

The ranking came shortly after Durham was named University of the Year in The Sunday Times university guide.