A SCUFFLE broke out between two groups of young women after words were exchanged in a nightclub.

In the fracas, two 17-year-olds were attacked - one hit over the head with a bottle, while the other was punched several times.

Durham Crown Court heard that it resulted in the arrest of Gemma Louise Patterson, 26, and her 23-year-old friend, Laura Joynes.

A third member of their group, who allegedly inflicted the blow with the bottle, evaded arrest and has not been traced.

They were involved in the outbreak of violence at DH1, in North Road, Durham, on October 29, last year.

Martin Towers, prosecuting, said the clash stemmed from angry words exchanged between the two groups, but the exact cause of the outbreak, "remains unclear".

Joynes was accused of grabbing one of the girls, grappling with her, while the bottle was struck over her head by the unknown third assailant.

Mr Towers said the victim required staple-type stitches to her scalp injuries.

Patterson, meanwhile, was involved in a scuffle with the other girl, both claiming they were trying to break up the initial violence.

Mr Towers said Patterson struck the other girl three to four times, knocking her to the ground.

"Her admissions, when interviewed, were on the basis that her self-defence was taken too far and she went on the offensive."

The court heard that Patterson has a number of previous convictions, and has served two past terms in custody for violence.

Rachel Hedworth, for Patterson, said most of her convictions stem from her abuse of heroin.

But she said Patterson has found her three weeks in custody awaiting sentence, "a harsh reminder of her offending behaviour", and now wants to make a "fresh start".

Brian Russell, for Joynes, said she had fewer convictions, and has sought help from the North-East Council on Addictions to rid herself of her drink and drug abuse.

Patterson, of Bede Avenue, Sherburn Road Estate, Durham, and Joynes, of Lilian Terrace, Langley Park, near Durham, both admitted a public order charge of using insulting words and behaviour.

Jailing Patterson for four months, Judge George Moorhouse it was clear she has, "a tendency to go overboard when in drink".

Joynes was given a 12-month drug treatment and testing order.