AN East Cleveland church is ringing the changes.

The bells of St Mark's Church, at Marske-by-the-Sea, have had a service and a call is being made for new bell ringers.

Bell ringing classes have been organised for adults and youngsters over 12. Tuition is free, but class members are expected to join in the regular Sunday morning bell ringing.

Thousands of pounds were raised in the early 1970s, to replace the worn-out bells and the decaying bell frame.

Since 1973, the bells have called people to church every Sunday and rung for hundreds of weddings. But three decades of weekly sessions have taken their toll.

A specialist engineer has just spent two days testing the bells and re-balancing them.

Peter Sotheran, chief tutor at the tower, said: "Some of the bells were swinging at different speeds, making it almost impossible to produce a pleasant musical sound. Hopefully, we are all set for the next 30 years."

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