A DURHAM school is celebrating after inspectors praised the quality of the education and teaching it provides.

The team that ran the rule over Newton Hall Infants School found "very good leadership'' and a strong sense of teamwork.

Standards have remained consistently above the average - year two is well above average in English, maths and science - since the last inspection in 1999 and the school has retained its many strengths.

The standards it has achieved in writing put it in the top five per cent in the country, the inspectors said.

They also said that pupils behaved well and had a good attitude and that the quality of education was good and teaching and learning was good overall throughout the school.

The inspectors said the most important improvements needed were extending the role of subject leaders in monitoring and evaluating teaching quality and upgrading outdoor facilities for pupils.

Headteacher Jennifer Jackson said: "The staff, our governors and parents are very pleased with the report.

"It shows that Newton Hall Infants is a very successful school with many strengths while also giving us the platform to achieve further.

"Our very positive report is a tribute to the constant hard work and thorough commitment of all those involved in the life of our school."