A CHURCH was packed to overflowing for the formal induction of a vicar.

The Reverend Linda Shipp's induction service as the vicar of the benefice of Whorlton was held at the Holy Cross Church, Swainby.

The service was conducted by the Bishop of Selby, the Right Reverend Martin Wallace, helped by the Archdeacon of Cleveland, the Venerable Paul Ferguson, and the Rural Dean of Stokesley, the Reverend John Ford.

The congregation included well-wishers from Ms Shipp's previous parish of Kirk-leatham, Redcar.

She now has five churches in her care -St Botolph, Carlton; St Mary Magdalene, Faceby; St Mary, Potto; Holy Cross, Swainby and Holy Cross Old Church, Whorlton.

The latter is a partly-ruined church near Whorlton Castle, but is still used for open-air services and services inside a roofed chancel section.