A POPULAR nightclub event for young people is making a welcome return this week.

Stockton Borough Council and Stockton Children's Trust are once again teaming up with 96.6tfm radio and Zan-zibar nightclub to bring an afternoon of fun and music to youngsters in the town.

EzeeLive is at Zanzibar, in Stockton, on Saturday, from 3pm to 6pm, with tfm DJs providing music and entertainment for under 18s.

The event will mirror a series of EzeeLive nights throughout the summer, when young people could meet up at the club on Monday nights, while also having the opportunity to talk to a range of agencies and services.

Councillor Alex Cunningham, Stockton Borough Council's cabinet member for education, leisure and cultural services, said: "This event marks the end of local consultation with young people on the Government's green paper, Youth Matters.

"As well as giving young people a safe environment in which to enjoy themselves, this unique event will also offer them the chance to meet informally with staff from a range of young people's services."

Entry to EzeeLive is free, but a ticket is needed to get in. Youngsters aged between 11 and 18 can obtain tickets by completing a simple questionnaire and exchanging it for tickets on a first-come, first- served basis.

The questionnaire is aimed at finding out what it is like growing up in Stockton so as to ensure that services for young people are accurately tailored to their needs.

Questionnaires and tickets are available from all local libraries, Connexions One Stop Shop in Bishopton Lane, Citizenship and Democracy Headquarters on Silver Street and tfm's offices. They can also be downloaded from: www.stockton.gov.uk, www.tfm radio.co.uk and www.connexions teesvalley.co.uk