A CAMPAIGN will be launched next week to remind people that littering and failing to clean up after their dog is an offence.

Posters will go up with the slogan Don't Trash Richmondshire and a campaign bus will tour the district from Monday.

Staff from the district council's environmental unit will be on board to give advice and information.

Littering, including dropping cigarette butts and allowing dogs to foul in public areas, carries a fixed penalty fine of £50 - which could rise to £1,000 if offenders refuse to pay.

Campaign organiser Lucy Moffatt, an environmental health officer, said: "In general, our district is a clean place to live. However, there are litter hotspots and people who fail to realise the importance of poop scooping.

"We hope to encourage more responsible litter disposal and make everyone aware of the enforcement fines that can be issued."

Councillor Jill McMullon, spokeswoman for waste minimisation and recycling, said: "The problems of littering and dog fouling are issues raised regularly by residents to their local ward members and in surveys.

"I am pleased this campaign has been launched, and to see it backed up with significant financial penalties."