A Newton Aycliffe nursery celebrated a recent renovation with an open day.

Playday Nursery in Newton Aycliffe was awarded a Big Lottery grant to build an extension, creating 26 additional places for children.

A grant was also received for the expansion of the baby suite for children under two years, which provided four extra places.

Youngsters enjoyed face painting, a bouncy castle, a tombola and raffle, various stalls and competitions.

The family fun day was supported by families and neighbours, visitors to the area and local councillors.

Pat Cutmore, from the nursery, said: "Our thanks go to all who contributed either by giving time, goodwill, gifts and prizes."

The day raised £419.29, which will go towards a fund for new outdoor play equipment and allow the nursery to make a donation of £210 to the Butterwick Children's Hospice.