CHILDREN in Darlington who have taken up the national summer reading challenge only have a few days left to reach their target.

This year's challenge, called the Reading Voyage, aims to get children, aged six to 13, to read books, think about writing and visit their local library over the summer holidays.

Every child who has joined the project in Darlington was given a "ship's reading log", and each time they visit either the Crown Street or Cockerton Library, they get a sticker.

At the end of the school holidays, any child who has three stickers will get a certificate and a free gift.

They will also be given a pirate ship to colour in and place on a special map where they think a buried treasure has been hidden. The child who is closest to finding the haul wins a prize.

Lee Vasey, Darlington Borough Council's cabinet member for leisure services, said: "There isn't much time for them to complete their challenge.

"This has been a great chance for children to find out more about books while having fun and I hope they will continue to visit the library and enjoy reading once they are back at school."