A TRAVELLING community of gipsies was evicted from wasteland by council officials yesterday after a court order was granted.

About 20 caravans and vehicles set up home illegally on the council-owned land, close to the Newport Bridge, Stockton.

Mike Batty, head of community protection at Stockton Borough Council, said officials attended court on Wednesday and were granted an eviction order.

Cleveland Police accompanied officers to serve the notice yesterday, fearing repercussions from the travellers.

Mr Batty said: "They have been there since the weekend on council-owned property. We have this problem of travellers turning up on our land and we try to get them moved on as quickly as possible.

"We are familiar with groups of people who have a track record and leave a trail of rubbish behind them."

Mr Batty said the council has taken a strong stance against illegal settlers after several communities left a trail of litter.

He told how remnants of UPVC windows have been found, paving blocks and evidence of tree-felling.

He added: "These are people who make a living out of contract work, such as landscaping and installing UPVC windows. You can tell by the rubbish they leave behind as to what they have been up to.

"Our advice to people is to deal with reputable companies. There have been times when residents have handed over cash payments and have no comeback."

The travellers were moved on at about noon yesterday and the area was left littered.

A local traveller said the majority of gipsy communities are law-abiding people who take pride in their lives.

He said: "There are some travellers who give other communities a bad name. But travellers are not much different to any other community, in that there is always a bad apple.

"But travellers get tainted with the same brush, and that is not always fair. They get targeted in most circumstances when, in fact, they are just trying to live their lives like anyone else."