Health bosses have banned district nurses from going into shops and commercial buildings in uniform as part of the fight against superbugs.

About 300 community nurses across Sunderland, who visit patients in their homes, have been told not to use any shops while on duty.

Sunderland Teaching Primary Care Trust said it had revised its uniform policy for community nurses to reflect the infection control agenda.

It said it was in response to public fears and that the new policy requires nurses employed by the trust not to use commercial premises while in uniform.

A trust spokesman said: ''The policy is a precautionary measure and forms part of a broad approach to reduce the risk of cross infection in primary care.

''This also includes advice on matters such as hand washing and the use of gloves and aprons where appropriate.

''We have consulted widely on this issue and it is clear that members of the public have some anxiety over nursing staff remaining in their uniform when not in work and visiting public places.

''The instruction is in line with guidance issued by the Royal College of Nursing.

''Clearly this issue is complex for nurses working in the community, but we have taken this step to help reassure people that we take health-acquired infections very seriously and that we are doing all we can to maintain high clinical standards.''

Health workers' union, Unison, said it was globally supportive of any measures to combat infection but urged health bosses to look at the practicalities of such a policy.

A Unison spokeswoman said: ''We support measures put in place to prevent infections and MRSA.

''However, employers must look at practicalities and consult with trade unions and workers to ensure that measures are in place to enable people to comply with the policies.'