THERE will be nothing puppet-like about a performance of Pinnochio in Shildon next week.

The Disney classic will be performed by members of The Tearaways dance and drama group across three days next weekend.

Youngsters aged between nine and 16 will fill roles from the puppet with the ever-growing nose to lions, acrobats and dancers.

Derek Robinson, from the group, said: "The youngsters chose to do Pinnochio. We always let the youngsters decide what they want to perform.

"They have kept to the story of Pinnochio, except they have put it in a circus instead of a fairground."

The three showings take place on Friday, August 26, at 7.30pm, Saturday, August 27, at 2pm, and Sunday, August 28, at 3pm, all at Shildon Civic Hall. Tickets cost £2 and are available by calling (01388) 774838.