TOWN centre shoppers found themselves invaded by Romans yesterday.

A Roman senator accompanied by his soldiers and womenfolk invaded the Middleton Grange Shopping Centre, in Hartlepool, and set up camp in the Curiosity Shop mobile exhibition.

Claire Munroe, from Hartlepool Borough Council's arts, eents and museums service said: "This was a chance to see the weapons and armour that helped conquer half the known world, and an opportunity to chat with a Roman senator about the luxurious lifestyles of those who wielded power 2,000 years ago."

The visit marked the end of the Curiosity Shop's seven-week stay in Hartlepool. It closes on August 29 and will move to Darlington. It is touring the Tees Valley area, setting up in a succession of empty shops, and has already visited Redcar and Stockton.

Among the items on display are a selection of life-size Dr Who models, a 10ft-long squid and Hartlepool's recently-discovered "monkey" bone. Other attractions include a furry fish, a hippopotamus skull and the world's smallest cat and dog.

Entry to the Curiosity Shop is free and it is open Mondays to Saturdays, from 9.30am to 5pm, including bank holidays.